Week in Review #14

We are reflective!

Students have been using reflection as they prepare for student led conferences.  We reflected in Library as we used math skills to solve a real world problem.

We helped Ms. Kraft organize books so they would be easy to put in their proper places in the library. We reflected on how we have grown in understanding numbers and how to use that understanding to help us in the real world.  We used our knowledge of ones, tens and hundreds.

How did you use place value to help you organize the books? When you were organizing the books what strategies did you use so you could be successful? How have you grown in using place value? How has your thinking changed about place value? How else can you use number sense and place value in the real world?

We reflected about our creativity. We chose one page from one of our stories. We used the rubric we made as a class and we thought about how we did our best work and how we could change our work to make it even better. We all wrote our reflections down (Click on them to see them larger).

Share your best work with your parents. Share your reflective thinking about your work.  When you reflected did you think about our writing rubric? Did you think about your work and something specific about your work that you could improve?